Notes on DevOps, programming, motorbikes, and other stuff.

All of my thoughts on programming, building products, infrastructure as code, motorbikes, craft beer, and other random stuff.


Removal of Apple ADP in the UK

Apple are removing Advanced Data Protection in the UK after the UK Government requested that Apple implement a global backdoor in to their operating systems.

Xcode 16 Beta 3 Issue

When installing Apple’s Xcode 16 Beta 3 you maybe faced with an error message stating: ‘Loading a plug-in failed’.

Citylights theme for Prompt 3

Prompt is the terminal that goes with you, made by the team at Panic Inc. Theme based on Yummygum’s Citylight’s VS Code theme.

A Guide to Installing Yarn on macOS

Yarn is a powerful package manager for JavaScript that simplifies the process of managing project dependencies.

An intro to Apple WeatherKit

Welcome to my first blog post where we will be exploring Apple's WeatherKit framework.